
Our souls at night book summary
Our souls at night book summary

Somehow he passes the second physical examination and was let to live. Personal survival becomes a priority of every walking soul in that Elie sees all this with rapt attention and keen observation, believing that God is dead, or else He would have responded to their pleas.ĭuring this time, Chlomo was taken off from the list of abler men and had to face the furnace. They see their fellows going to gallows and gas chambers on daily basis and fight for sleeping space and pieces of crumbs, injuring and mutilating each other. The conditions in the camp soon turn worse, making the prisoners suffer from the extremely cold wind, malnutrition, and dingy living conditions. Soon his supervisor comes to know about Elie’s golden teeth which he extracts with a plier disregard of pain and trouble to him.

our souls at night book summary

When they reach Buna to work in Electrical fittings factory, Elie gets separated from his father who cries and moans, seeing his death taking hold of him, though, he expresses little remorse under these inhuman conditions which are too harrowing to be described in words. The Nazis then send them to work after striping and giving them a heavy beating. The sons started abusing and abandoning their fathers. But as the story progressed it became impossible for one to survive. took good care of their fathers in spite of the harsh conditions because they are the only family they had. In the beginning everyone in the camp, the fathers and sons tried to stay close to each other. Later, they see a truckload of children being thrown in the furnaces. However, the duo proves lucky and stays together. The first step to send a Jew to concentration chambers comprises ‘selections’ of the working and healthy Jews. Elie is also separated from his sisters and mother but he stays with his father Chlomo at Birkenau. Most of the families get separated during this long journey. Soon they are packed in cattle cars to take them to Birkenau and Auschwitz with the promise to let them work in the brick factories. Wiesel states that despite the arrival of these tales of butchery and bloodshed, the Jews in Sighet demonstrate optimism that the Nazis would not be able to reach this far corner but in 1944 their optimism starts fading away when the Hungarian police appear and forced the Jews to vacate their houses and live in ghettos. Yet, nobody pays attention to the horrifying tales narrated by Moishe, taking him a mad person, who also declares the rule of madness. Moishe goes from door to door asking people not to give him money or show any pity instead just listen to him. However, when his popular teacher, returns after saving his life from the camp, unfolding the grotesque nature of butchering Jews by the Nazis.

our souls at night book summary


He starts the story from Sighet, the Hungarian town, where his daily routine comprises reading the Torah and learning the Kaballah (Jewish Mysticism)from Moishe the Beadle who also taught him how to become closer to God and was extremely religious. Night records the happenings when Elie Wiesel was a Jewish teenager Eliezer Wiesel.

Our souls at night book summary