Please contact the SJSU iSchool Student Services Team with any questions about the graduation application process, qualifications, and/or eligibility. The Graduation Checklist and Graduation Process Video are helpful resources.In this groundbreaking history of the modern American metropolis, Richard Rothstein, a leading authority on housing policy, explodes the myth that America's cities came to be racially divided through de facto segregation-that is, through individual prejudices, income differences, or the actions of private institutions like banks and real estate agencies. You have completed INFO 289 e-Portfolio or INFO 299 Thesis, or MARA 289 or INFM 211.You have submitted an Application for Award of Master’s Degree for May or August 2023 graduation (this is not the same as the candidacy form).You have been advanced to graduate candidacy (an approved candidacy form is on file with GAPE).If spring or summer 2023 is your last semester, and you intend to graduate in May or August 2023, you will only be eligible to participate in May commencement if the following requirements have been met:
Please watch this page for more details on the university’s 2023 plans for celebrating all graduates of SJSU (organized by college). The College of Professional and Global Education spring event will be held on Thursday, May 25th, 2023 at 7pm Pacific. The School of Information’s Virtual Graduation Zoom Celebration, iSchool Graduation Video, and Virtual Graduation Website Platform are all separate from, and in addition to, activities planned by the SJSU Commencement Office for university-wide graduates. The university’s plans are in addition to our iSchool departmental online event, which only focuses on MLIS, MARA, Informatics graduates. Graduates from fall, spring and summer will receive information from SJSU Commencement inviting them to participate in university-wide celebration events for all university graduates. The SJSU School of Information students participate in the onsite university commencement ceremony held by the college twice a year (in fall for fall graduates and in spring for spring and summer graduates).